The Lucifer s Magic

Taste for blood
The Lucifer's magic
It makes you numb
The passion, fever,
I'm gonna see your slump
Your flame shall burn to dust
A heart malific rust
Encrypted sins of soul
Devided from its God
The witnesses of foul
Will die to see this mud
Away the mortal pity
Noone beholding you
And contemplate the deity
Internal point of view
Who's gonna break you now
A merciless void is answer
Coherent fear, you drawn
A whirl of death, the Dancer!
So shall you find the path
To crucify a man
Or be engulfed by wraith
Insanity or rage
Or both confirmed in one
Is there one who can
Resist a human stage
To stay and not to run
Transparency assume
A lovely sweet parfume
A background to exist
To live with eased fist
The bounds which confine
Opacity of mist
The shadows of the past
Lay down it all to rest
