Only for you

Being only able to look at you
How stupid I am, deeply serious
Being only able to listen to you
How impressive voice, yours

No regret once upon in my life
Cause the best songs I've never heared
What a luck it just happened
Cause the magical fate came to me

You let me keep alive, it's you
While the death climbed on me years ago
You suddenly appeared on the road of mine
Which was ever one way to die but saved, it's you

How silly I was
Always looked at one who's looking others
How lucky I was
Always can listen to the most special voice 

Babe, I always love you
Love only for you but not crazy
Babe, I'm going to leave before you
I'll be waiting for you
I'll be watching over you
I'll be waiting for you
I'll be there only for you

* Self-writtened lyric *

is it not strange that sometimes people can find satisfaction and inspiration in unshared love-the saddest kind of love ever?

Ада Руководина   31.10.2011 13:23     Заявить о нарушении
Wisdom! - " people can find satisfaction and inspiration in unshared love " - the saddest kind of love ever!
It's not strange, things always come in this way :)
Best respect.

Луна Любимая   03.11.2011 04:53   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.