Стихи моего сына Александра

Here I lay
Aleksander Polischouk

Here I lay in empty thought…
My mind is shot my aches are brought..
With class it hurts my tired brain..
And pray for sin washed out by rain........

you take my freedom gave me $h to eat..
And stole my clothes leaving me but meat..
My heart it pounds the push of stress..
 It may not last it lays a mess!

Roseberry bushes
Aleksander Polischouk

Roseberry bushes
And grape vine allure....
It gives me such joy
it relieves my new bore.....

I try to act guilty
but my heart stops it thick....
Stop beating stop shaking
your leaving me too sore...

You pierce me wide open
You stab my heart dry....
With every ounce of my strength
I call out but only sigh.....

It is hope it is faith
Every day I lay awake...
But inside I’m corrupt
And even endlessly encaged

The world around
By Aleksander Polischouk

The world around
Acknowledges beauty
But what does it hold true
To the ones called me and you.....

Do we walk blindly
Are we missing limbs
Have we sought nothing
But importance of meaning

To an endless life
With paths leading the poor
To worse destruction
That allowed by human behavior?

It is through the shadows
That people discover
The wrongs of others
As they gather in circles

To further shade ones personas
That are most dear to them.....
So I say to u now
As I have covered before

Do not run your selves
To cascade in the beliefs
That sublime
The new found glory

Dark clouds
Aleksander Polischouk

Dark clouds and shadowy mists
I ponder at thee oh weary am me.....
But the dark decadent mirrors that blaze through with fire 
They no longer need you to fill their desire....

Wreak havoc I will leave alone with no will...
Can I purchase oh lord the fruits of your tree…
The one they proclaim he still stands the same...
A little left out with a bucket of drought....

Have I stumbled upon the notion?
I run can this trick be a turn can this mess be undone? 
What it is?
He yells loud may his fiery sword be left out...

As he plunders the village of outer attire
And causes a sting of the unholy awhile....
Lest not out of defeat kept not out of my seat
I cry out to the name which you speak gravely untamed...

Your tongue twists in circles
Your veins now they burst…
Left lonely again under the same big old......


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FROM: Sergei Polischouk
TO: Sergei Polischouk

Message flagged

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:30 PM

I am broken
Aleksander Polischouk


I am broken

I am bruised

I am ruins

I have been used


So tell me now this desirable trait

Of running circles around your weight

How shallow now I feel towards you

And all alone I plan a new


What glory comes from falling hard

What tends to shame from all you judge

Within the pit my face I smudge

Then light that hits opens up a bombard



Alone I sit now in my room

Dreary of the worlds soon dooms

I pray to God my soul to keep

And steer me straight to stay on my feet


What comes to mind in this broken world

That claws my flesh from my pitless wounds

How can I change the harm I see

The burns me deep knowing I aint free


These chains that lock me with my sin

It grabs me, pulls me toward my defeat

But will it last or will I plead

Lord at night I ask you to speak  …….(singing)


I am broken

I am bruised

I am ruins

I have been used


