I knew once true love and now heart is empty


I knew once true love and now heart is empty
Like an autumn leave dried-up, cut-down
With no more full breathing, beauty and plenty,
No songs of sweet birds, no flowers around.

Now only the score of the rest of the seasons,
Heart under the brain sleeps like a dead,
But sometimes at night I search for good reasons
Why life isn’t a fairy good story instead.

Because all breaks up? useless and ugly?
Because world is cruel and a very cold place?
But even it's so I could simply only
Deceive myself hard and try to erase

All that from my mind to live in pink color
Like blind, like a fool but the happiest thing.
What precious is in true? The most beautiful flower
Grows carefree and doesn't know anything.

March 2, 2009.

Грустное состояние я прекрасно понимаю и сама сейчас переживаю...И быть беззаботными у нас не получится: не цветы - люди, и расти нам гораздо выше...Наоборот, заполняем заботами дни.

Анастасия Боловина   20.10.2009 10:03     Заявить о нарушении
Не цветы, и в этом тоже есть свои плюсы.

Винсент Райдер   21.10.2009 14:23   Заявить о нарушении
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