
The spring was cold, and skies were dark,
 And clouds were moving  fast,
 I saw her walking by my side,
 Hre hair were grey, as dust.
 Her hair were grey, her eyes were green,
 And, as she passed away -
 I watched her - pretty, dark and slim,
 And Sherwood was her name.
 The skies were dark, and clouds were low,
 And cold was bitter wind.
 I held her fast, I kissed her slow -
 And then she also did.
 She had my world between her palms,
 It was my only one -
 All spring we were together - but
 In autumn she was gone.
 You'll ask - It was another love?
 And then I'll answer - no!
 There, under pine, cold stars above
 She's laying under snow.
 Nor other man, nor other love
 Had made her go away
 There, under stars, with pine above
 In sherwood is her grave.

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you've misprinted word "her" in third line

sincerely yours,

Андрей Ландер   25.07.2009 00:35     Заявить о нарушении

Кори Ах Энн   25.07.2009 11:13   Заявить о нарушении