
Listen, my little little friend.
I wanna tell you fairytale with happy end.
It happened many years ago...
Do you listen? It's all so...

There was a pretty princess,
She had little elvish weakness.
Princess wanna have a rainbow
Then it is put to the big bowl.
But someone did not bring it.
One came with rabble - brindled.
One draged black shoulder-youke -
Princess's angry: "Is it joke?!"

But time passed by the day,
No one did not find new way.
Once a prince came to princess,
She thought he is needless.
"I can show it," - he said simply.
Princess called out: "It is needly!"
Prince took her by the hand
Then to show rain and other land.
There were green and beaty hills,
Sky had overcast with milk.

Suddenly rain was in one place,
In other side - sunshine graced.
"Oh, it is rainbow! So fine stunner!"
"You see it, 'cause you don't loner...
Look! Rainbow - it is all and anywhere.
It is love and happiness is there..."
"Yes... you're right. I see it now...
Thanks, my dear prince... you know...?..."
