Candle for two
Trying to reach the window sill.
Trees are losing rainbow crowns
Just like after show clowns
Quickly lose momentary appeal.
Time is slow like that droplet
That’s zigzagging on its path.
Fierce wind attempts to rope it,
Then gives up, and tries to mop it
Off the face of a cold glass.
But candle spills its yellow light,
Untouched by chilly waves,
On little what is left behind
After abrupt and hasty flight
Of summer’s warmer days.
This single light’s enough for two
To shine like a distant sun
Across the darkness of the room.
And there is nothing else to do
But wait for universe to calm.
And drops of wax like drops of rain,
In silence, puddle on the floor,
And night is changed into a day
Without anything to say,
Without saying anymore.
December 18, 2007
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Алиса Нескучная 21.09.2009 14:43 Заявить о нарушении
но, как говорят мои друзья, прослушав мое пение, мое исполнение только отпугивает людей. :).
Костя Альтман 21.09.2009 17:28 Заявить о нарушении