Simple joys of life
Than days in countryside, away from rush
Where time’s obediently standing still
And phones don’t dare to even make a hush
Fresh air and folks with kindly hearts
Untouched by vice of worldly fairytales
Embrace in warmth, and in their knowing eyes
You’ll see the wisdom, simple living grace
Just be yourself - no masks, and no disguise
Be rid of laws and limiting do-not’s
Float in the Nature colors’ paradise
Fly with the wind, eat chocolate, flirt with birds.
translated from Russian "Рай городского человека" (2003)
Свидетельство о публикации №109052002463
Максим Джинн фон Брицофф 20.05.2009 13:58 Заявить о нарушении
Esli ponravilos' - zagljanite i sravnite s originalom na russkom :) Interesno budet poslushat mnenie.
Dzeij 21.05.2009 02:37 Заявить о нарушении