Everything should be simple...

I really want to love, to live, to work and to believe, that everything is simple...
I really want to feel the atmosphere of holiday while it's the typical workday...
I really want to find one day, that all my life has gone and all I have - to go away...
I really want to see the world, to meet as many people as I can...
I really want... but have to fully realize that all I want today will never be, it can't exist 
It's just imagination, game and just my memories...
But I really want.... just to believe...

MK 05.2009

Красиво. Мне понравилось :)

Таня Танюк   18.11.2009 19:09     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо :)

Михаил Комаров 88   18.11.2009 20:00   Заявить о нарушении