My Being

My Mysterious Sorrow
It is Deeper than Sea
It is Darker than Me

My Mysterious Joy
It's not Closer than Toy
It's not Brighter than Coy

My Mysterious Aum
It's not Farther than Home
It's not Weaker than Bow

My Mysterious Presence
It's not Bigger than Sun
It's not Faster than Light

My Mysterious Absence
It's not Smaller than Moon
It's not Slower than Sound

My Mysterious Power
It's not Elder than Age
It's not Younger than Birth

My Mysterious Mantra
Gives Me a Form like a Number
Gives Me a Joy like a Tantra

My Mysterious Being
Gives Me a Reason to see It
Gives Me a Force to fulfill It

My Misterious Star
Gives Me a Light of Its Rays
Gives Me a Sound of Its Spheres
