Elegie 18 end Lulli - Les folies d Espagne

Моя восемнадцатая элегия под музыку придворного композитора
Короля-Солнца Людовика XIV де Бурбон
Жана Батиста Люлли.
Подстрочный перевод на английский
Дениса Дегтярёва

translated into English by Denis Degtyarev

King Sun marching in the dance
is haloed by planets in the Milky Way.
Helios! Your benevolent gesture
is sent down to nymphs of Ceres.
They are contemplating your face
in silence. Dispassion is your virtue,
Phaeto! Heraclites would gain
enlightenment from this music of light
which unveiled your path to the far-lands
the dwelling of the Night. O, Hesperia!
Your dance is wild like the Ocean calling.
A virgin once heard the same motive
near the walls of Carthago,
entered the flames of the eternal Suns bed.
Dont cry from love even at your death-time, Dido.
The rainbow goes down to you from Lato,
Who gave birth to Apollo.
