What took you so long?
I'm waiting for you all my life
You just killed the pain in me
Bringed the ligjt in my dark life
Mis you now when you're gone
I need some thing to shere with you
Want to be with you
Be your angel
Be something you always need
Somting you care about
Your face is in my head all the time
Can't forget your voice
And yor soft cheak tht i kissed
The apportunity that I missed
Your so calm and smart
And we wached hocey togedher
I was wathing you all game
Then when we won
We singed togedher it was cute
I gues you like it to
Whell here it ends
Idon't know any else about you
Jut know that you're my new illusion
That helps me write. Thanks!
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Марина Бель 16.07.2009 14:27 Заявить о нарушении