Hands of February

Lay dying in February’s hands
With no expectance of salvation,
When the winter the snow-shroud descends
On silent fields and ice-bounded rivers.

Do you feel its uncontrollable might
Face to face with the power of nature?
There is no place for you to hide;
Before her force you’re so feeble creation.

Up your eyes full of anguish and fear –
Human mind is filled with a doubt –
Watching stars: would they help you or kill?
You’re alone in your weakness and sorrow.

On this lonesome path, leading nowhere,
No one gives you a hand in darkness.
Do not hope that someone will call you:
All your wishes are turned into nothing.

Strolling shadows – not people – around you,
Faceless figures with a void in their souls,
Even the rainbow is drained of all colours
And the sun doesn’t shine here at all.

Here’s the land of your awful nightmares,
You have reached all you always beware,
Far beyond you hear cynical laughter,
Now it’s too late for you to take care.

Just relax in clasps of the winter,
Don’t face off, when she kisses you good-bye,
Close your eyes and her fondness redeems you
So at last take a rest, sleep as a child

Feb 2009
