
Creations are imperfect by default,
The essence is revealed by chance and blunders,
Yet reason goes on scolding and demanding
When the unwilling substance starts to mold.

The man-made rules are calmly overturned
Since nature doesn't need your intervention,
So let your idols rave at your dissension,
While wine is flowing from an ancient horn,

While golden herbs are budding through the ground,
And every shadow brings you hopes and sorrows,
And maybe we will never reach tomorrow,
Dissecting colors and transcending sounds...

The masterpiece is showing your defeat:
Eternal promise, always incomplete.

31 October 1999

And in what sense is Puskin incomplete?
Does essence of Onegin show in blunders?
When I read lines like this it makes me wonder.
If breaking of the rules - excuse to cheat.

It's always easier to break the rules, than not to break them
And the perfection unattainable for some
But that is why we value authors capable to make gems
and we appreciate them, when they come.

Игорь Медведев 3   22.10.2012 02:47     Заявить о нарушении
But it depends on one's perspective - perhaps Pushkin saw blunders in Onengin, how would we know?:)

Кристина Девулите   22.10.2012 03:46   Заявить о нарушении
Yes, it does somewhat depend on one's perspective. :) However, I am a firm believer that beyond the difference of perspectives somewhere there lies the Universal Truth. And while I never insist that my opinion is necessarily the one that is closer to it, I do believe that when there are two opposite opinions only one of them can be right.:)

My critique was not at all focused on the word "incomplete". It would be really stupid of me to insist that some creations are completely perfect. Although Pushkin does come closer to perfection than any other Russian poet I've read.

No, what I disliked is the idea that somehow essence is revealed by blunders. I have a limited experience of writing poetry. It is only six years. And I have a lot of "blunders" in my poems. But I do show my poems to my friends a lot. And not once in all that time the blunder helped them to understand the essence. Quite the contrary essence is always obscured by blunders rather than revealed.

The rest of the poem I liked.

Игорь Медведев 3   29.10.2012 17:16   Заявить о нарушении
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