Ahmatova - Anxious and tender...

Anxious and tender, jealous and kind, he
Worshipped my eyes like the holy stars.
And then he killed my beautiful white bird
So that she wouldn't sing of the past.

And he came home when the sun was setting
And told me: "Write poems, love me, get well!".
I walked to an alder-tree, old and empty,
And buried my white bird behind the well.

I looked at him, and my heart was stony.
I promised to him that I would rejoice -
But when I listen to him, I can only
Hear my white bird's delightful voice.


Был он ревнивым, тревожным и нежным,
Как божье солнце, меня любил,
А чтобы она не запела о прежнем,
Он белую птицу мою убил.

Промолвил, войдя на закате в светлицу:
«Люби меня, смейся, пиши стихи!»
И я закопала веселую птицу
За круглым колодцем у старой ольхи.

Ему обещала, что плакать не буду,
Но каменным сделалось сердце мое,
И кажется мне, что всегда и повсюду
Услышу я сладостный голос ее.

(с) Ахматова

This is a dificult poem to translate. I can trully appreciate the effort. It does sound like you struggled with rhymes in the first and the second quatrain (he-bird, well-well). But the the last one is spectacular, could not be better.

Беляева Дина   24.04.2009 01:47     Заявить о нарушении
To be honest, I am actually satisfied with the rhymes in the first quatrain "KIND-he - WHITE-bird" - I am rhyming the stressed syllables rather than the unstressed ones...
Well - well, yes, perhaps I could come up with a better rhyme...
Thanks, Dina!

Кристина Девулите   24.04.2009 03:41   Заявить о нарушении
Yep, you are right about the stressed rhyme.
It was well-well that that did not go well :)

Беляева Дина   25.04.2009 02:55   Заявить о нарушении
Yup, that wasn't well done of me:)))

Кристина Девулите   25.04.2009 03:09   Заявить о нарушении