Leave me

I don't wanna back home alone.
I don't wanna live with dream about you.
It fear to awake without you.               
I don't wanna be as you wish

I don't wanna live among the fire.
It's hard to stay with you.
look back, it's my falt.
But i'm guilty only in love.

CHORUS:           LEAVE ME ! ! ! DON' T ASK ME.

I can't waiting for you and live.
I can't be another you knew.
I close my eyes and hear you voice.
There is a winter, your steps are gone.

You don't forgive me.
I'm like a papet of your love.
You not forgive, it's hard to leave.
I wanna you to come, just come back.

CHORUS :          LEAVE ME ! ! ! DON' T ASK ME.

You take my freedom by you love.
You give the light, i can't come up.
You are here, but i'm alone.
face to face in shallow.

I don't wanna back home alone.
There aren't light in your windows.
Are you waiting or not, a wind gone me away.
I'm waiting for you, just come back.
CHORUS:           LEAVE ME ! ! ! DON' T ASK ME.

Хотел рецензию писнуть, да жаль - англицкого не знаю, а на русском писать - негоже тут...

Николай Кирпич   22.04.2009 10:48     Заявить о нарушении