
I just want to live this night till the end.
Let the cold, sticky fingers of fear. Strangle me.
I was pray for present life.
Leave me here, I wanna dead alone.

Neighbour houses are switch off the lights. The plague comes for them.
Soon it calls me. God damn the day when we met.
You are next, you know it's impossible escape.
I die, i don't want to see you, to heare you.

CHORUS :           Croak ! now ! fall down !
                I'll be laughting at you.
                Croak ! get in fire ! Like me !
                Let your life come to end.

I'm asking only a minute of the rest.
I have no time, that's why i don't look at the clock.
The dirty moon bare from sky.
Hay, stipid stars you are only holes into the dome of sky.

CHORUS :           Croak ! now ! fall down !
                I'll be laughting at you.
                Croak ! get in fire ! Like me !
                Let your life come to end.

Step by step i'm closer to abyss i knew it.
Smoke after site of a burnt city. Like a coat behind me.
Why i had to die, please, help me !
I pray, but know, the answer is no.

CHORUS :            Croak ! now ! fall down !
                I'll be laughting at you.
                Croak ! get in fire ! Like me !
                Let your life come to end.
