Ахматова - It is Monday, and the twenty first

I am sleepless. The calendar's telling
It is Monday and the twenty first.
Once there was a ridiculous fellow
Who has duped human beings the most.

He invented the power of passion
And announced the existence of love,
And the world is so lazy and hapless
That believing was easy enough.

Yet a few of us stare in silence
When the truth is revealed at a glance...
God knows why, but I haven't been smiling
Since I got to this story by chance.


Двадцать первое. Ночь. Понедельник.
Очертанья столицы во мгле.
Сочинил же какой-то бездельник,
Что бывает любовь на земле.

И от лености или от скуки
Все поверили - так и живут,
Ждут свиданий, боятся разлуки
И любовные песни поют.

Но иным открывается тайна,
И почиет на них тишина...
Я на это наткнулась случайно
И с тех пор все как будто больна.
(c) Ахматова

I wouldn't call that the Akhmatova translation, just the idea of her poem taken by the translator. I love reading Akhmatova and know many of her poems by heart. I would never ever recognize it was one of her works translated reading this. Sorry, just my opinion. But the poem itself is cool enough ;)

Робин Гууд   15.05.2009 21:16     Заявить о нарушении
You are entitled to your opinion of course:)
I happen to think that this translation is pretty good - but I am entitled to my opinion as well:)

Кристина Девулите   15.05.2009 22:48   Заявить о нарушении
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