Ahmatova - Don t let the earthly pleasure...

Don't let the earthly pleasure be your guide,
Don't cling to wives and houses made of marble,
And take the bread from your beloved child
To give it to another child who's starving.

Be humble in your wishes, deeds and thoughts,
And serve the one who hates you like no other.
And treat a roaming wild beast like a brother.
And never ask for anything from God.


Земной отрадой сердца не томи,
Не прилепляйся ни к жене, ни к дому.
У своего ребенка хлеб возьми,
Чтобы отдать его чужому.

И будь слугой смиреннейшим тому,
Кто был твоим кромешным супостатом.
И назови лесного зверя братом.
И не проси у Бога ничего.

(c) Ахматова

This is terrific!
(although some very picky readers may not like "wives" being in plural vs. singular, but I think it's irrelevant here :)

Беляева Дина   21.04.2009 07:43     Заявить о нарушении
Yeah, I thought about it, too - but obviously "a wife" didn't fit - plus, I think the idea stands, regardless of singular or plural:)
Thank you!

Кристина Девулите   21.04.2009 07:45   Заявить о нарушении