It is difficult to be young?

I think it is so. Sometimes it is easy, but sometimes it is not. Why?
First of all, when you are young, you mostly depend on your parents. You should give some explanations for your actions. You have to do it, even if you do not want to. But there are families, in which parents do not pay attention to their children. Because of it children are not brought up properly.  They become lazy, rude and selfish. They steal, drink alcohol, smoke and take drugs. Misunderstanding often arises between parents and their children.
Secondly, responsibility is important for teenagers. You have to be responsible for your actions, words and decisions.  But sometimes it is hard to take decisions or to make choose, because there is no way back often. “to err is human”. Everybody tries not to repeat the mistakes of his parents. But young people do not have enough experience and wisdom. It comes with time.
Thirdly, when you are a child, you do not worry about your future. Your childhood is careless – you study, grow up and get pleasure from everything. But when you become older, you should think about future, how to organize your life. And you understand that it is not so simple and you have a lot of problems. And you try to run away from them, but it is not way out. Weak people give up. But still you can always find a way from difficult situation.
Young people often suffer from undivided love and misunderstanding. It is very hard to find akin soul. Everybody wants to be loved, happy, to have someone, who always understand you and can calm down. These are needs of any human.
And what about entertainment? How do young people spend their leisure time? Mostly they watch TV, but often there are no good programs, films and even cartoons! You can meet a lot of violence and lust, as well as in the Internet. Nowadays, the Internet attracts a lot of people. “ICQ is harm,” – everybody says, but still everybody continues to be online.  Ok, it is comfortable to be always online but there is also a drawback – it distracts you from work, from studying.
What else? Not so many young people visit cultural places, for example, museums, theaters, etc. Most of them go to nightclub. Dancing is dancing, but there is no use.
At present, young people do not read belles books. Some teenagers even do not open their schoolbooks! Horror! That is why so many young people have obscene vocabulary. It makes communication difficult. Teenagers even cannot find topics for conversation.
Nevertheless, teenagers do not forget about sport. They try to visit leisure centers and sport clubs. There are people, who do not go anywhere and they just walk.
Music and subcultures are way of self-expression for many teenagers. For example, anime and culture of Japan have been in fashion not so long ago, but now emos are fashionable. That all because they want to differ from others. But growing up people change the life style.
But all in all youth is the most wonderful time of life. It is bright colorful time for any human.
