Conversation with Higher Self - Dialog II

(Translation of “Беседа с Высшим Я” (Диалог II))

Spreading my hands up to the sky
With crying eyes invoking Heaven
I stay between darkness and light,
Hiding no feelings whatsoever.
What should I do when gloomy sadness
Carries my joy away like wind?               
Darkness descends, the day grows dim,
Fogging my mind, making me reckless.               

Striving to overtake my soul,
Despair blends with restless rage,
I lose my temper, and I fall,
Feel like I’m savage, not a sage.

Higher Self:
Remember, my incarnate Angel,
Elysian Fields – concealed in you,
Be mindful of your Real Nature
Bring Love to life and keep It pure.
Release your feelings and let go
Of what you’ve bottled up for ages.
With Love inside – you save your soul
And battle fails to be voracious.

Goddess, your speech is captivating
You psych me up, and make me vibrant
Sometimes I trace my thoughts, just sighing:
“It’s great! But I’m not made from iron.” 

Higher Self:
Oh, Child of Love, please don’t give up
Your power to the rusting iron.
You are the Light. Oh, please, wake up!
But for the veil you’re all admiring!
If only knew
you of Yourself
Your light shines down the purest gold
Diamonds by you – a dusty shelf!
Iron by you? – How dare you talk!               
You’re God and Goddess in the flesh
Oblivion brought about your sadness         
Regain your Love, along with Greatness
Wake up, beloved, put on your “sash”!
For blessed are those, who were enraged
Without rage – Love can’t be felt
Guess what is back? – The Golden Age!
I am Your loyal Higher Self.

April 10, 2008


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