The Heart of Winds

Once upon a time, in this world,
Wind was made by greatest Will of God.
It became invisible and had the wings,
But nobody could find the heart of winds.

It could travel all around the Earth,
And, of course, it knew the secrets of Universe.
Every leaf and bird enjoyed its
Blowing, full of mistery inside...

This eternal question,
What was the first,
And what's the secret of creation
In our Universe...
The constant power,
Which is the same for both
Poor people and richest kings, discovering
The heart of winds...
And their kingdom...
If only men could have the wings
To see the freedom,
Like in the heart of winds...

Let you feel the winds' blowing,
Let you fly like a wind far away!
Let you touch the clouds softly,
Understanding the world in another way...
You would wordlessly travel all around the Earth,
And you'd find out the secrets of Universe,
Everything would seem so clear,
Holding no more mistery inside...

Answer simple question,
What was the first,
And what's the secret of creation
In our Universe...
The constant power,
Which is the same for both
Poor people and richest kings, discovering
The heart of winds...
And their kingdom...
If only men could have the wings
To see the freedom,
Like in the heart of winds...

In your dreams you can do eveything,
Let them bring you forth to the Heart of Winds.
To the Heart of Winds,
To the Heart of Winds...

прочти "Ветер" Рея Бредбери) думаю, понравится

Кирика   19.08.2009 18:29     Заявить о нарушении
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