NGC 3031, Messier 81, Bode s Galaxy
разбитого давно калейдоскопа.
Жемчужина. Воронка. Чернота
Бельмо в глазу небесного циклопа
Таинственная розовость в витках
в кольцо зажата снежной караколью.
Терзает фа-минором чёртов Бах.
Прелюдия звучит небесной болью...
05 05:58.04.2009
Фото бессовестно украдено у Фреки .
Ей же и посвящается :)
Прелюдия фа-минор Й.С.Баха - основная тема фильма А.Тарковского "Солярис"
"...звезда начинает взрывать собственные внешние слои, что является ПРЕЛЮДИЕЙ к финальному её взрыву в качестве сверхновой".(профессор Альберт Зайстра, соавтор исследования IRAS 17163-3907, Космической Глазуньи -
Свидетельство о публикации №109040503385
Imagen de la galaxia espiral M81 (o galaxia de Bode) tomada por el Hubble.
В Messier 81 была обнаружена только одна сверхновая звезда[9] — SN 1993J. Её открыл 28 марта 1993 испанский любитель астрономии Франсиско Гарсия Диас
Инфракрасное изображение Messier 81, получено Телескопом имени Спитцера.
M81 (NGC 3031) Bode's Galaxy, Holmberg IX and IFN
Crop of M81 LRGB+H-Alpha
M81, also known as Bode's Galaxy, (seen on the right of this image) is a large spiral galaxy roughly 12 million light-years distant in the constellation of Ursa Major. It is currently engaged in a tidal dance with its nearby neighbor M82, also known as the Cigar Galaxy. During their last close encounter around a hundred million years ago, M81 disturbed the less massive M82 and unleashed a migration of interstellar dust and gas into a halo which is now causing active star-birthing at a prodigious rate. M82 is also a spiral galaxy, seen edge-on from our vantage point, but this fact was only recently discovered due to the aforementioned rate at which it is forming new stars; the young supermasisive stars being birthed cause M82 to outshine our own much more massive Milky Way by 5 times in brightness across the electromagnetic spectrum and hides many of its features.
Tidal interactions commonly cause a quiescent galaxy to become active in producing new stars (like M82) and during this period, the galaxy is referred to as a starburst galaxy. M81 is the most massive galaxy of the M81 Group, the nearest galactic group to our own Local Group of galaxies, and together form a small portion of the Local Supercluster. Holmberg IX is a dwarf irregular galaxy and a satellite galaxy to M81 and can be seen in this image directly below M81.
About the IFN (Integrated Flux Nebula)
Spread throught this image can be seen a lot of dust which is made up of diffuse gas and dust clouds eminating from our own Milky Way Galaxy and not from the vecinity of the M81 and M82 galaxies, more about it here:
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