My will..

Some sort of my Will, Some sort of my dream... (мои желания, мои сны...)

An illusion...
Now it`s breaking the rule,
It`s not that i`ve learnt in school...

Can you see the Magical dance
Of that burning iron lance?
What kind of thoughts can you observe?
And is it the truth about mind`s reserv?

And i do not know
What`d happened to youth,
I`m feeling the blow
Of incoming truth...

And now i know
I`m moss-grown,
I don`t want a crown
It`s bending me down...

Some sort of my dreams
Are now the skims,..
One God, one truth
One youth...
It`s an illusion,
It must have conclusion...

Please, breake all the limit
I wanna submit it...
It`s possible to become crazy,
But it is better than standing lazy...

Feel your power
Take the shower
You`re starting new day
It`ll be everything OKay!

Remember about my will?
Work on it like a drill...
I wanna see all body happy
And all this way - it is not trappy...

(счастье для всех - даром,
 Пусть опалит тебя жаром,
 Это счастье для всех -
 Надеюсь, что будет успех...)

Не очень владею английским,но стих судя по всему хороший.
С Уважением,Михаил.

Михаил Козлюк   10.04.2009 07:58     Заявить о нарушении

Кирика   10.04.2009 20:13   Заявить о нарушении