Vicious man

You are growing like a flower,
But your mind is still so narrow,
You are fond of dirty things,
That is why your soul`s decreased.

You don`t notice beauty nature
And drop rubbish in the streets,
You are managed by the devil,
But you don`t want  notice this.

You tried forget your dirty tricks
And thought you`d be forgiven,
But you`ll be punished by the God,
If you don`t stop doing this.

And I`m aware you`re not get ready
To change yourselves, to stop your crime
But think carefully of this,
Otherwise you`ll die with all your sins.

Это стихотворение не стоило писать по-английски, так как оно внутренне русское. А вообще банальности остаются банальностями на любом наречии

Вадим Фельдман   09.06.2009 01:28     Заявить о нарушении
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