Essence Of A Sin

Give me a hope…
Let me feel this pain…
Let feel that I’m alive
Only one gesture – and the oasis will blossom
Only one word – and it can turn to a desert
If you want to plunge into a twilight
Concede to my taste, follow this smell, follow your instinct
I will lead you to the path of false illusions
Walk this lagoon
Go to the smell of your victim You
You will hear a shout – follow its call …
Dry up my tears …
The Romantic smell …
Desires whisper to you …
Set an eagle free …
Blow up like a volcano…
Burn my dreams resurrect my pain...
Be a wolf, I will be the moon...
Inaccessible and mysterious …
Full of ocean desire...
Empty like the Universe...
Let me sink in your eyes …
Soul it is not closed yet …
Allow me to fly...
Allow me to spread my wings...
Allow me to fly up high in the sky like an angel
Hurry up… the drying dawn’s approaching
Break my dreams and feelings to ashes against a severe reality...
Close your eyes, devastate your dreams
And you will see the fallen angel at your feet …
I should admit – I envy the sinners …
I am the fallen – but you’re … An essence of my sins
Who are you?
Only a pernicious mirage …
Only an instant of happiness …
I am enamored in this sin which corrodes my soul
Leave a splinter in my heart …
So I can not forget you …
Once I will learn to love, those bleeding scars on the heart …
Dry me up …
Kill me…
My death spares your life …
