Three Beautiful Days

They spent together three beautiful days,
They spent three beautiful nights.
Days full of care, full of despair,
Cause they knew, they’d go to different sides.

The first day he saw her, he gave her a hand
And looked deep in her eyes.
Eyes full of tears, she wanted to hear:
My dear, follow me to a fairy–tale Land.

The next day she found herself in his bed,
They spent a night full of glam.
He was her first man, she did feel no pain
As he stroked all body of hers with his hand.

On the third day the town was covered with mist.
She hoped he would make a propose,
Propose on his knees, then kiss on her lips,
But he sorrowful freed her hand from his fist.

Surprisingly very tender poem. I enjoyed it.

Александр Вилд   07.11.2010 17:53     Заявить о нарушении
Well, that means you're tender yourself! Great! Thanks!

Александра Мали   08.11.2010 20:31   Заявить о нарушении
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