Such a long day tomorrow

“Such a long day tomorrow”.

This is a wretched picture
Named life what I have.
I lay on my pillow,
Almost feel your breath.
Such a long day tomorrow
And it's only begin,
It bring so crazy sorrow
That makes me give in.

All reminds me about you,
Seems you still here how it was.
Don't understand how it happened,
Long time we were so close.
Now you are gone forever,
Awful time now begin.
I'll not cope with it ever,
That makes me give in.

Slowly come into our room,
Time stands as clod in a throat.
Wild quietness makes me feel bad,
Empty bed makes me feel cold.
I feel myself so lonely,
I feel myself so blue.
I need for you only,
I need only you.

I turn to wall where no more warm
And I look unseeing eyes.
I can't even realize
That here is my home.

Very long day tomorrow
If it really have end.
I can't stand crazy sorrow,
Oh, I can't stand.

Things fall apart, heart cracking,
No tears can't make it stop.
Seems that you'll come and hug me,
Seems that you come but not.
I want to leave this hollow
But it everywhere.
It's endless day tomorrow,
It have no share.

I turn to wall where no more warm
And I look unseeing eyes.
I can't even realize
That here is my home.

Such a long day tomorrow
And it's only begin,
It bring so crazy sorrow
That makes me give in.

14 августа 2008г.

Эмм...если позволите, я напишу на русском))))) Почему-то вспомнила какой-то фильм. Честно говорю, что не помню,какой именно был этот фильм. Но это чувство, словно внутри тебя солнце. И тепло...В общем...мне очень очень очень очень понравилось! Вот!Ладно...I allow myself to be happy) )))) С улыбкой Люси

Люси Бэйрон   11.03.2010 00:22     Заявить о нарушении
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