The life is not that easy

Since very early bearing
You, fellow, has to fight
To have a right of wearing
The sign of holy light

The life is not that easy
Don't underestimate
And if your will is sleazy
I'm sorry 'bout your fate

The life is endless race
And you are not allowed
To move with slow pace
You have to run like hound

No one can see through cloud
And no one has a clue
Who's gonna lose this round?
Maybe the next is you?

Nice development.

Беляева Дина   14.03.2009 04:07     Заявить о нарушении
Since very early? bearing

You, fellows, have to fight
You, fellow, has to fight

And if your will it's sleazy

And no one has a clue

Беляева Дина   14.03.2009 21:26   Заявить о нарушении
fixed all but 'And if your will is sleazy' what's wrong with it?

Александр Коробочкин   14.03.2009 22:38   Заявить о нарушении
the subject is missing in the main clause

Беляева Дина   14.03.2009 22:46   Заявить о нарушении
"And if you will" - conditional clause (условное второстепенное предложение)
"it is sleasy" - main clause(основное предложение)
В английском каждое предложение (clause) должно иметь подлежащее (subject) и сказуемое (predicate).
In "and if you will" YOU is the subject, WILL is the predicate.
In "it is sleasy" IT (LIFE) is the subject, IS SLEASY is the predicate.
У Вac в основном предложении 'is sleasy' подлежащее остсутствует (life/it).

Беляева Дина   15.03.2009 19:32   Заявить о нарушении
'will'(воля) is a subject and 'is sleazy' is a predicate. there must be some misunderstanding

Александр Коробочкин   16.03.2009 17:01   Заявить о нарушении
If "will", is the subject in the main clause, then it is missing an article. "Will is sleazy" is a curious statement after all. Then again, the predicate is missing in the conditional clause (if you....???).
"Will" cannot be a subject and a predicate at the same time.

Беляева Дина   16.03.2009 19:01   Заявить о нарушении
I see now. Just didn't notice "r" :)

Беляева Дина   16.03.2009 23:46   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.