Your Dream


Two years of happiness seem shorter
Then one year of pain
All this time I go to
Hell and hell again

I wanted your dream to come true
So it did and now
I'm awaiting for you
Heart's not calming down

All these tales I told you
Now they make some sense
Then they didn't hold you
You didn't understand

She didn't understand or You didn't explain correctly or she didn't even try to understand or all your tales were the fairy ones or...

Анастасия Гурман   10.03.2009 07:54     Заявить о нарушении
What a F**k???

I don't know, I don't remember!
I was too young to realize all of that sort of things happening!!!!!!)))))

I only understood that that was better for her cause I wanted her to realize all her dreams. And as far as I know she did!

What do you mean "all your tales were fairy ones"???

Рен Тажеев   10.03.2009 08:00   Заявить о нарушении
Just one of variants, You know, sometimes we listen, but don't hear. Maybe your readiness for waiting wasn't apprehended seriously.
I didn't mean that you're a teller of fairy-tales ;)

И не матерись >:)

Анастасия Гурман   10.03.2009 08:16   Заявить о нарушении
Sorry, but you almost pissed me off!
But it was just a misunderstanding...

Рен Тажеев   10.03.2009 08:21   Заявить о нарушении
Yes, I meant that for her it was a fairy-tale probably ;)

Анастасия Гурман   10.03.2009 08:29   Заявить о нарушении