Tales Of A Fallen Angel


I was damned for nothing
My whole life's rearranged
I'll sink into the madness
If nothing's gonna change
Tears of a fallen angel
Will drop and salt my wounds
While I am a stranger
He won't leave me soon

The razor edge is shining
My hand is shivering hard
They won't meet each other
If the angel starts
His bitter tears will wash
The wrinkles on my eyes
I'll savor them upon my lips
And sun will slowly rise

He will tell me a story of the one
Who never knew black days
That one desired to learn the way
People down there lost their place
And he wondered if he could
Walk through their personal hell
So that one his wings he put
And from the sky he fell

And eversince he never rose
Back to the sky again
Life down here became his cross
When he himself became
The one amongst the mortals
With living blood in veins
And then he didn't want it more
To be in white again

He ends and he smiles
And looks into my eyes
I don't want to cry for more
His tears are also dry
