The Purest Sin


Born in the cacoon
Beyond the veil of something true
Your young mind craves to learn it too
How this life has come to you

Your wondering becomes a source
Of strong temptations in your mind
Your body soon betrays your soul
And innocence remains behind

Ignorance and innocence
Now are supposed to be the same
Your father put it into a sense
Of some protection from the shame

They don't think that you know what a sin is
They are sure they protected your youth
So it's soon you forget all their lessons
And your lust is setisfied with this truth
It's your own
You come in
Your eyes afire
It's your purest sin
You are ready to give in

Secrets are too deep
Keep your fantasies in clear
They return and hurt you in your sleep
And all desires turn to fear

And all you once needed to know
Begins to ruin your infant dreams
Your old imagines of being grown
Now overturn this to all extremes

Blind to the experience
Sacrifised to the safe cold cage
Your father still covers your sex
And keeps it til the end of your age

They don't think that you know what a sin is
They are sure they protected your youth
So it's soon you forget all their lessons
And your lust is setisfied with this truth
It's your own
You come in
Your eyes afire
It's your purest sin
You are ready to give in

"All desires turn to fear", you make me scare, brrr...

As I see you're becoming a famous auther ;)

Анастасия Гурман   09.03.2009 13:31     Заявить о нарушении
I didn't notice that!)))

Рен Тажеев   09.03.2009 13:33   Заявить о нарушении
Firstly a song, and then, maybe, something more ;)

Анастасия Гурман   09.03.2009 14:00   Заявить о нарушении
maybe something more! Why not! ))))

Рен Тажеев   10.03.2009 02:35   Заявить о нарушении
So that's the thing I've meant ;)

Анастасия Гурман   10.03.2009 05:40   Заявить о нарушении
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