Complitly Whirlpool...

Again we place the sandwiches in briefcase…
Look at the window –  very dark in street…
And quiet roll the years of our ways  –
As we repeat the steps and don’t sit…

The day has passed… The  work is terminated…
Without  hurry  go I now home…
About sandwich completely was forgotten…
The whole their kit I carry now home…

And with reproach my Wife me newly meets:
"Why didn’t  You  eat? For what You took them with?"
But cherry -  dog…   In memory them keeps…
My sandwiches  for supper…  He trains teeth…

But  at the work - a Whirlpool is all day…
Week after  week – and always quite the some…
The whole day - running! How all that may…
I think at home – all is only fun…

И вот так который год!
Забываю бутерброт
на работе съесть в обед
в довершение всех бед.

С улыбкой,

Валерий Шувалов   09.03.2009 12:20     Заявить о нарушении
В один попали мы водоворот -
Некогда еду засунуть в рот...

С улыбкой и теплом, Гавриил

Гавриил Иваниченко   09.03.2009 22:24   Заявить о нарушении