Your life

Your  life is  like another  world,
It  is  so small  and  very  cold.
I  really  loved  you, but before,
And I  don't want to see you more.
You know, I'm not a girl  for you,
I'll try  forgive you,this is true,
I'll learn to leave without your eyes,
I'll  win  in  this abnormal fight.
Please,leave me now,leave  me alone
Your  heart  is  like a deathly stone,
Your words  are poison  knife  for me
And I'm afraid to live the way I used to be.

It's beauty and it's so sad.
I'm in your side! Держись, поэт!

Маэстро Ом   27.11.2012 22:56     Заявить о нарушении
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