I ll think of it all... but later

There’s one wonderful phrase
From one really brilliant novel
One girl there always tells:
I’ll think of it all tomorrow

There’s great way to survive
And to forget your sorrow
You just have to realize:
«I’ll think of it all tomorrow»

Life is the loneliest place
If we have nothing to borrow
But there’s wonderful phrase:
I’ll think of it all tomorrow

If you’re ruined, if you fell
If you’ve lost way to follow
Just smile to yourself and tell:
I’ll think of it all tomorrow

If one postpones thinking,
one delays living...
On the other hand,
never put off till tomorrow
what you can do the day after tomorrow...
With love, respect and a smile,

Альберт Туссейн   04.04.2009 15:23     Заявить о нарушении
Thanks :)

Корнелия   04.04.2009 20:50   Заявить о нарушении
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