Media KIDS Dedicated to Roald Dahl

A lot of pressing things we face
And sometimes far beyond the race

We leave behind the noisy kids,
Who ’s always eager trying bits

Of those shocking things we pray
They never learn until we may

Tell them what’s good or bad in life,
And how to fight internal strife.

What do the children talk about?
Or they prefer to cry and shout?

And every night and every day
The parents try to be away,

Engage themselves with cooking, cleaning
And let the darling tots stay dreaming.

The monster called a TV set
Today we treat like lovely pet,

We pat and pamper it and think:
“Oh, what a tempting spring to drink!”

Though shows it a lot of blood
The people seem to love this mud.

They sit and watch it every day:
“Oh God, I want to be away!”

Let’s look around, the world’s great
You’d better go meet your mate.

And have a walk thru sunny streets
And, beg you, try to find kids.

Today this is the hardest task
‘Cos all the people ‘re wearing mask,

And children strongly it abuse
They don’t know the word ‘confuse’,

For them the ugly box is nanny,
The adults try to save a penny.

The children glued to TV set
Try of the parents now forget.

They don’t need them any more
They walk and run along the shore,

They distant countries learn for good
These cannot spoil their mood.

Do all the time we watch the space
Full of delight and holy grace?

Switch on at any channel box
And you’ll see unpleasant folks.

They’re always eager blood to drink
Or kill some fiends with moment think.

They stab and shoot and often try
Some little guys to crucify.

For us today a walking corpse
‘Tis ugly as a swarm of wasps.

And with the northern hemisphere
We don’t want to interfere.

OK, well done, the man is wise
And nothing can desensitize

The grownups, they now believe
They’ve got a pleasing thing to heave

Their children from the dirty streets
From bad gang groups of other kids.

Aye, dear parent, try to make
Your child not to swallow fake

Of falsely wisdoms kid is given
To which by TV set kid’s driven.

You’d better take kid for a walk
Preventing him from having shock

When sees kid beauty of the sky
Immediately wants to fly.

Kid runs, jumps, climbs on the trees
Kid acts like stormy bunch of bees.

The evening, tired kid comes home
As if he has just come from Rome

 Not occupied with things at all
Kid reaches for remote control.

Now listen, please, to my advice
Though may I seem too young, unwise

Try to engage the kid of yours
With charming book to hold his course

And may be in a year or two
You’ll be the happiest parent too.

P. S. Beware people age is coming
        Protect your children from programming

        Beware folks: the Internet
        Today takes place of lovely pet.
