
Art by Matthew Bradbury


Modi, son of Thor,
as the rays of Sol
rise and blaze the east
you rise and raze it.
With the broken’s blood
still wet on your blade,
you thrust deep into
the west sowing seed,
maddening the whore,
with berserk offspring
weaned on Wotan wine
and fed Valhalla.
Enraged, they murder
friend and foe alike.
On the tides of time
Fate roars to whisper
their imminent doom
in waves of wind song.
Tongues flutter, “the end
approaches, Modi.”
         you can see them,
shapeless shades, seeping
from rotting corpses.
         you can hear them,
berserkers, wailing
towards the pink dawn!

In Norse mythology, berserkers fought with the rage of a crazed bear and was almost unstoppable in battle. Berserkers covered themselves in bear or wolf skins and took endless quantities of drugs to put themselves in the right frame of mind for battle. Unfortunately, they would try to kill anyone, friend or foe. Berserkers are able to close with their targets by moving through the concealment of crowds, and then explode into violence that can kill hundreds before they themselves are destroyed.

Очень сильно и запоминающе!!!

Серж Блэйк   13.03.2010 15:23     Заявить о нарушении
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