Sprouts of Love

There are some sacred fields on the face of Earth
Where the most intimate and gentle
Sprouts of love come to life;
They are such tender and delicate creatures
That we must fly over those precious fields
So the sprouts of love would not be afraid
Of heavy and damaging steps...
...Why, darling, have you chosen to wear
A soldier’s boots over a ballet shoes?

        10 December 05

If you are - a ballerina, then do not go in the army boots.

Абдулла Абмандулин   04.03.2012 05:23     Заявить о нарушении
In my mind I am a ballerina therefore I always wear my pretty golden ballet shoes...

Ирина Фетисова-Мюллерсон   04.03.2012 05:27   Заявить о нарушении
I love the ballerinas, because they are beautiful.

Абдулла Абмандулин   04.03.2012 05:34   Заявить о нарушении
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