
Dismay does always hurt
If you lose sanity.
What can you afford
But scornful vanity?

Enraptured by the sins,
Embellished by the God,
You’re phantom o’blood kins
That’s playing broken chord.

Lo-a sullen ray
Strives for the final try.
Severe cloud does lay
Doomed to decease  loud cry.

Refinement o’cruelty-
Your stony look of pang
Repents at saint duty
Not to sink to fen.

Opaque sin slashes slave
That slew the slender tear.
Soliloquy does crave
For shot departing fear.

That sepulchral wail’s heard
From grave of your beloved.
You pierce your heart with sword
Like in your suicidal draft.

Good gracious! Your dismay
Abuses frigid heart
And makes you rue the day
When your ghost brought start.

Embrace the steel fey look
With heating hazel stare-
These argentine eyes took
And hid the rapt warm care.

Your inane smile has slain
The frown of sluggsh sword
And Angel took in vain
The name of precious Lord.

You hark to withered part
O’bleeding wan Bach’s fugue-
Your solitary heart
Has pierced my doleful look.
