
the brittle breeze is breeding in a brisk brook
her brevity of breathing broadens to the brink
but she’s a bridled bronco and her bristled brood
are perky waves a slew of endless blinks

brief moments leaf through breviaries of brownish clouds
and browsing for the breaking news from breakout thoughts
from braising brains in brandy brands from after-doubts
and bringing that in broken English for riddling with inkblots

the brittle breeze is slamming on the brakes of dreams
and broken hearts like bran and brackish briny hooch
the rest is broached and bribed by brindled brighten themes
displayed in bronze  outside the oblate solid brooch

February 5, 2009

Copyright ©2009 Iouri Lazirko

This is really funny and original poem, I am quite impressed. With Dina#s remarks it looks good, but your idea is splendid. With I could use my English in such an interesting way! Very good. Irina

Ирина Фетисова-Мюллерсон   26.03.2009 22:53     Заявить о нарушении
Hi Irina,
I am glad you found the time to absorb it as a piece of fun. It was certainly entertaining to write it as well.
Thank you,

Юрий Лазирко   27.03.2009 18:36   Заявить о нарушении
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