So they say

So they say it’s not possible
To caress no one’s heart,
They say it’s unspeakable
To see love as an art.

One cannot look up
If one’s heart isn’t whole,
One will not see a start:
There’s no cause anymore.

Though they say it’s not right,
And they say it can’t be,
Tell to live, tell to fight,
To be loved, to be free.

One is used to mistrust,
And one feels no more pain,
While they’re drowning in lust;
It’s their love – so they say.

I like it :) very nice poem

Наталия Романенко   06.02.2009 09:49     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you very much :]

Татев Габоян   08.02.2009 10:21   Заявить о нарушении