Invisible Blindness

                Moonlight filter through my window –
                I just reverse on the other side of pillow
                And continue to sleep and snore too loud,
                In my dream played the beautiful sound.
                I lied about pillow, I’m a blind:
                Just don’t find another rhyme.
                Music in my dream is changed
                And I’m run away from that place.

                What I should do then? I know what!
                I must find my mind that I forgot.
                I wanna find my invisible mind,
                And I can do this – I’m a blind:
                When you can’t see, you may feel
                What’s unbelievable and what is real.

                And I find it – I see the light,
                The light that shines my way tonight.
                I find my mind and now I can see all,
                But it’s just dream – in our world there is no miracle.

                I’m wake up in this invisible world,
                I notice the cane right on my bed and go
                To wash and breakfast on the kitchen…
                And every morning I wanna be the pinchen.
