Алла Пугачева - Арлекино. Варианты перевода

Ссылки для прослушивания:
http://ru.youtube.com/watch?v=TuXC3U4l25M (Алла Пугачева, клип)
http://ru.youtube.com/watch?v=8e3QJhipWNY (Алла Пугачева, фрагменты выступлений)
http://ru.youtube.com/watch?v=USLrNAbzDrs&feature=related (Эмил Димитров)

Иван Маслянкин
Эквиритмический перевод на английский
песни  "Арлекино" из репертуара Аллы Пугачевой

Sharp needles make running roadloops, brightly fired,
One cannot find the end of their trace,
For me the world immense is now retired
To circus ring and mask without a face.
The very laughter, joker I'm to be,
I'm harlequin without my fate and name.
You've come today to laugh, to laugh at me,
The rest for you - let it be all the same.
Ah, Harlequin, o Harlequin,
Make them laugh all at accord.
Ah, Harlequin, o Harlequin,
Only Laughter is reward!
The athletes are appearing on the ring,
And they don't know of any grief and strains,
They're bending horseshoes like a soft bread-ring;
Just moving shoulders, they are tearing chains.
Applause is bursting, all the people admire
And all the ring with flowers is thrown.
For them the flourish played and eyes on-fire
And just a break for me, it is my own.
Ah, Harlequin, o Harlequin,
Make them laugh all at accord.
Ah, Harlequin, o Harlequin,
Only Laughter is reward!
And years go on, it's harder to amuse,
I'm not a king's buffoon, it isn't my shelf.
The Hamlet with the passion madness muse
For years I have been playing for myself.
It always seems: now I'll take off the mask
And world will change with me, as I can mean ...
To see my tears? You'll not fulfil this task,
Well, surely, I'm a proper harlequin.
Ah, Harlequin, o Harlequin,
Make them laugh all at accord.
Ah, Harlequin, o Harlequin,
Only Laughter is reward!


Эдуард Лейтман

English translation

On sharpen needles of the beaming light
I’m running in a circle endless road.
This is my world - a non resolving plight.
With no face let’s welcome me aboard.

A clown, a comedian I am
Without fate, with no name as well.
Don't dare - and why you would be, god damn? -
To care of one, whose jokes excel?

A funny clown, funny clown.
Gotta be the best one.
With a king of laugher crown
The performance I’m to run.

The athletes have just walked into a stage.
They never heard about the heartache.
They’re playing with the muscles for a change.
I’m to replace them only at a break.

They steal an audience’s applause from me.
The public throw flowers to them.
While I’ve in here always to forbid
Myself to show you a soul gem.

To keep you laughing is becoming hard.
The years of work did take on me a toll.
But just before all comes to screeching halt
I gonna play you, folks, the Hamlet’s role.

It seems to me that day is to arrive.
And I’ll remove my mask once for all.
But, hey, I’m here always to deprive
Myself from any other human goal.

Опубликовано на "Эхо Успеха" 29.05.2009

Алла Пугачева
(Эмиль Димитров - Борис Баркас)

По острым иглам яркого огня
Бегу, бегу, дорогам нет конца,
Огромный мир замкнулся для меня
В арены круг и маску без лица.
Я - шут, я - Арлекин, я - просто смех,
Без имени и, в общем, без судьбы.
Какое, право, дело вам до тех,
Над кем пришли повеселиться вы?
Ах, Арлекино, Арлекино!
Нужно быть смешным для всех!
Арлекино, Арлекино,
Есть одна награда - смех.
Выходят на арену силачи,
Не ведая, что в жизни есть печаль.
Они подковы гнут, как калачи,
И цепи рвут движением плеча.
И рукоплещет восхищенный зал,
И на арену к ним летят цветы,
Для них играет туш, горят глаза,
А мною заполняют перерыв.
Смешить вас мне с годами все трудней,
Ведь я не шут у трона короля.
Я Гамлета в безумии страстей
Который год играю для себя.
Все кажется - вот маску я сниму
И этот мир изменится со мной,
Но слез моих не видно никому,
Ну что ж, Арлекин я, видно, неплохой!


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