Just not with us...

Just not with me...
Just not with you..
Just not with us..
It couldn't happen...
We were not ready to be apart...
We were not ready to be separated...
We just started to fall in love...
We just started to be one...
I just give you a part of me...
You just tell me your secret...
I believed, that I had found the second me...
You were thinking-I'm your angel...
You sad-we were bless,
I was thinking-
It just a mircel from God...
Everything was going great...
Everything-like a beautiful dream..
Everyting-couldn't be better...
But sky decided without asking us...
One word-and we apart...we are separated...
For life...
But not forever...
We have a inuverse...
It is waiting for us...
And in anorther life, anorther time....
And we will try again...
To be the whole one...
