Стихи и переводы Яни Сит. Valume V
"Poetry Thriving", "Long Distance Relationship", "Confessions of a Middle-Aged Woman!", "Prayer", "Was My Ancestor a Strolling Musician?", "Blue Bell - A Silver Ringer", "First Ray - a Blessing from God...", "Bury Me, Bury Me Wind!", "By the Memory from my Heart", "Two Women in Love", "This Morning I Met Claude Monet", "Sunny Day", "When I Look at Flamingo".
Кэнзели. Игорь Северянин. 1913-ый год.
(translated by Яни Сит -Yanina Sitnyakovskaya)
In boisterous moire dress, in boisterous moire dress
By the moonlit night avenue You walk,
...............................through my imagination,
As beyound the sea... Oh! Your dress is refined,
Your talma is sky-blue lapis,
And the sandy walk is adorned by a leafage as -
In spiderlike paws, in a jaguar fur.
For the exquisite woman the night is a bride always!
The romantic ecstasy destined by fate for You..!
In boisterous moire dress, in boisterous moire dress
You are such aesthetic, You are such graceful..!
Who are You going to choose to be Your lover?
Could be someone suitable to You..?
Wrap Your legs at a high price jaguat plaid,
Sit down in the benzine landaulet comfortably
And commit Your life to the boy
.....................in the rubber mackintosh,
Shut his eyes by Your jasmine dress,
By boisterous, moire dress, by boisterous moire dress!
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
В шумном платье муаровом, в шумном платье муаровом
По аллее олуненой Вы проходите морево…
Ваше платье изысканно, Ваша тальма лазорева,
А дорожка песочная от листвы разузорена -
Точно лапы паучные, точно мех ягуаровый.
Для утонченной женщины ночь всегда новобрачная…
Упоенье любовное Вам судьбой предназначено…
В шумном платье муаровом, в шумном платье муаровом -
Вы такая эстетная, Вы такая изящная…
Но кого же в любовники? И найдется ли пара Вам?
Ножки пледом закутайте дорогим, ягуаровым,
И садясь комфортабельно в ландолете бензиновом,
Жизнь доверьте Вы мальчику в макинтоше резиновом,
И закройте глаза ему Вашим платьем жасминовым -
Шумный платьем муаровым, шумным платьем муаровым!
Игорь Северянин.
Translated by Яни Сит (Yanina Sitnyakovskaya):
Poetry Thriving
Driven by winter snow,
By cold icy rain,
She wrote a few warm lines
To heal a long-lasting pain.
Pictures of Black and White
Developed through Spiritual light...
She painted them with pencils,
Then made and marked with a stencil.
Driven by a sigh,
A leafy snowdrop eye,
By wind breaking blue sprout.
She cried to herself with a shout
Quietly alone...
These lines were her own.
What was important now
Muses and Angels flying
To save a Woman's Soul.
And make her hope undying.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Long Distance Relationship
No one took anything from anyone's heart.
I feel sweetness because we are apart.
I kiss you through
Hundreds of separated miles, and broken
Through a million broken hearts
Of long distance love poisons.
Through hundreds irrevocable years
Of a love at a distance.
My inner voice a piece discovers
In every minute of my existence.
What part of "immaterial us" I miss?
Cold moon, the bottle of red wine,
Never opened, unkissed lips,
And the autumn dry, flying leaves.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Confessions of a Middle-Aged Woman!
I keep collections of attractions
In my suitable soul,
In my painful heart...
Collection of kisses,
of touches,
Hot like Mexican nachos.
Collection of reality fights,
Tough like mountain heights.
Collection of lovely faces
of all kinds of races...
Collection of eyes
That look thoroughly nice.
Collection of personalities
Amazing sensenalities!
I keep this in my mind,
But left it far behind...
What to collect now?
Can you help me how?
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
I bend on my knee again -
I see your starry crown from a distance.
Please, help me understand, oh Jesus,
That not everything is shadow.
Let me embrace nonshadow once...
I'm exhausted by these long carefree days,
Without aim, and always hazy.
I know, we can love shadows,
But for how long, for how many years
On this land? I heard many songs
About happiness. My soul must blossom,
But I grieve always.
Is happiness in sorrow?
Sometimes I have feeling
That I exist in lonely desert...
No one is around, only memories...
I can't hear anyone's voice, or smile.
Do I ask you, Jesus, for love or attention?
No! Please save me in my kingdom
Of beloved shadows. Amen.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Was My Ancestor a Strolling Musician?
Was my ancestor a strolling musician?
A fiddler, a violinist?
Was he a thief, a horseman,
Or a chorus pianist?
Was he a homeless, on the tramp?
Did he finally find a peaceful camp?
Is this the reason for my soul
To feel like a mislaying bird?
Is this why I often feel hurt?
I understand why my hair smells like wind.
And why my fortune is hunchbacked,
A curly-headed link.
Was my ancestor a poet?
Did he have a holy power?
I am a moon lover
I can make beads from flowers.
I can hold hot stars on my palms,
Not to cry, and keep my breathing calm.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Blue Bell - A Silver Ringer
A blue bell a silver ringer!
Do you sing? My heart is dreaming.
About light from a pink icon
On your leaves...
Its beam is healing.
I'm not the same young soul
In the splash of blue wings,
But my dream is bright and gentle,
And I hope to change things.
I don't need a bell of dying.
Life and secret can't be compared.
Please, let me be and dream forever,
To upraise myself, and never be scared.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
First Ray - a Blessing from God...
First ray - a blessing from God,
Slipped on your face.
Your somnolence was so deep,
And you continued to sleep.
First morning kiss - your mom's hello
Slipped on your face.
Heavenly blue beams lightened it up,
Tickled your nose. The smell of
Fresh-cut grass brightened your dream.
The morning, brilliant in color and sound,
Was knocking in your window.
The cars, the sound of running water,
The smell of green tea, and summer salad,
Of garlic and spices, couldn't wake you.
The birds were singing right on your
Window sill. The people outside turned on
Hip-Hop music. Someone was cleaning
Dustbins, and made a lot of noise.
But your drowsiness was getting deeper
And sleepier. Please wake up, Darling!
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Bury Me, Bury Me Wind
Bury Me, Bury Me Wind!
Don't let me to do it again.
I committed a senseless sin
Under the cold stormy rain.
I was really, really sad.
I couldn't forgive treachery and betrayal.
I was crying. My tears mixed with rain
Like a fisherman's net.
The sorrow was eating me like a whale.
I was ready to die, to slip away.
I took pills with me in this stormy day.
I walked alone until the sun came up.
I saw arches of the church,
The hardness of the blue sky above it,
And I calmed down.
I walked under the sunset like a gypsy.
I tried to overcome and cure.
Bright sun was making morning tipsy.
The storm was gone. My soul was pure.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
By the Memory from my Heart
By the memory from my heart -
By the wreath
From forget-me-not flowers, -
I entwined, one's arms round, -
Your dear portrait...
I looked at the open window:
The bell towers were singing
Their morning praise, By radiant crosses.
The blue fire burned the sky.
My eyes met its vibrant hue,
For a moment, - I was dazzled.
The wind, the burning fever of the sky,
My neglected garden outside,
The birds' cries, the smell
Of the lime tree, of the blue grape
On its tender vine, -
Everything, everything screamed: "Life!"
This scream intoxicated my mind:
I kissed your dear portrait again...
I entwined it just one more time.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Two Women in Love
Two women in love - two swans,
Holding each other's arms.
Women like Ars Amandi (Lat.)
Finally happiness found.
The Art of Love and four wings -
Two delicate birds in one link:
"Let's swim together, - said one, -
Please join me, my dear swan!"
The blue varnish of sky
Went down, unchained night...
Two muses in bodies of swans
Continued to play and have fun.
Then, they slept on the shore.
Until sunrise -
Their love was there. They wanted it more.
The summer was warm, and morning nice.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
This Morning I Met Claude Monet
This morning I met -
Claude Monet
With his "Waterlillies"
Beautiful set.
He was with Cezanne and Seurat.
Edgar Degas they met.
They were going to see Renoir
At "Luncheon of the Boating Party"
Unforgettable scene.
Is this my vision, or I see it clear?
My heart is quickened, and I'm in fear.
I'm dreaming to get to this party too.
Water, boats, fresh air,
Light and Movement -
Make me to see my life through.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Sunny Day
When you look at Seurat,
You feel - you are in France,
And your heart is thirsty
For a new romance.
Under the sun -
The elegant men and
The women with very thin waists.
They look fashionable, astonishing,
The light and shadow are right.
They are in balance - not in fight.
The sky is warm and water blue.
How much revived I feel
You have no clue.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
When I Look at Flamingo
When I look at Flamingo
I think about my children
I want them to feel beautiful
And free, like these tropical
Wading birds, with long legs,
And pink and red feathers.
When I look at Dolphins
I think about my children.
I wish for my children
To have wisdom and happiness,
To be strong like these
Kind, highly intelligent whales.
When I look at the green
Boundless ocean and
Blue, bottomless sky,
I think about my children.
They need to live a long life,
To fulfill their destinies and desires,
To make for the shore...
And to walk ashore peacefully.
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Copyright ©2008 Yanina Sitnyakovskaya
Книга переводов Яни Сит. Volume I
Volume I
Сюда вошли переводы стихов на английский язык: "Элегия" Николай Языков. "Жеребёнок и поезд" С. Есенин. "Святая Русь!" Максимилиан Волошин. "Кредо" Николай Гумилев. "Есть в близости людей..." Анна Ахматовa. "Вечером." Анна Ахматова. "Потускнел на небе синий лак" Анна Ахматова. "Здесь Пушкина изгнанье..." Анна Ахматова.
Книга переводов Яни Сит. Valume II
Valume II
Сюда вошли переводы стихов на английский язык: "В лоб целовать..." Марина Цветаева. "Имя твоё - птица в руке" М. Цветаева ((стихи М. Цветаевой, посвященные А. Блоку). "Запах, запах твоей сигареты!" М. Цветаева. "Я - есмь. Ты - будешь" Марина Цветаева . Мои ранние переводы стихов Марины Цветаевой: "Резеда и Роза", "Облачко", "Крик станций", "Розовый домик". "The Wintry Twilight Touches a Pink Rose!" (Это стихотворение написано по мотивам одной из дорогих моему сердцу тем Марины Цветаевой).
Книга переводов Яни Сит. Valume III
Valume III
Сюда вошли переводы стихов на английский язык: "К Музе!" Александр Блок. "В Петербурге мы сойдемся..." O. Мандельштам. "Одиночество" Иосиф Бродский. "Жизнь летит, как шоссе!" Роберт Рождественский. "Уступи мне, скворец, уголок!" Николай Заболоцкий. "Дети минут" Виктор Цой. "Твой номер" Виктор Цой.
Книга переводов Яни Сит. Valume IV
Valume IV
Сюда вошли переводы стихов на английский язык: "Я не люблю!" Владимир Высоцкий. "Я - Гойя!" Андрей Вознесенский. Полный перевод поэмы "Монолог Мерлин Монро" Андрея Вознесенского.
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