Body of the thought

Body of the thought
Cedars -[Chelishchev]
- The body of the thought

We move more rapid than the light
since the light is considerably nearer

We move more rapid than the light
since the thought is always more rapid

We move, but they are fixed
We are fixed, but it is more rapid
Thought moves more rapid than the light
and we - from the thought to [izmyshlene]
and this [svetoprestavlene]
is more accurate than the light [predstavlene]

Thought does not have [prodolzhenya]
Thought is reflected in the hope
Thought is opened not in the thought
and in the fact that became [prodolzhenem]

Two bodies consist of the thought
Thought - these are is two hot bodies
Thought is infinite as two bodies,
when they live in each other

I fell in love with not thought, but the body
since body - cluster of the thought
it does not think about the tele-
since it consists of the thought

Without the body the thought is more foolish than the body
But body - this is only body
it is disturbed from the thought,
that is impossible the thought without the body

The thought is always solid without the body
But it is always incorporeal in the tele- thought
They are met with each other
living together as two bodies

Beyond the limits of the thought
the body
in no way it can fly away
but in the limits of the body
the thought
they fly away into infinity

The body of thought is voluptuous
Invariably the body of the body
Thought is always more passionate than the body
even if body passionately

Body thinks
Thought teles-dream
Body flies away into the body
Thought anticipates the body
and more rapid than the thought flies

you will sometimes be me
or you long ago was already me
you - the reflection of the thought
or thought - [prodolzhene] of the thought

Can, I already without the thought- body of the thought

We move more rapid than the light
since the light is considerably nearer

We move more rapid than the light
since the thought is always more rapid

We move, but they are fixed
We are fixed, but it is more rapid
Thought moves more rapid than the light
and we - from the thought to [izmyshlene]
and this [svetoprestavlene]
is more accurate than the light [predstavlene]

Thought does not have [prodolzhenya]
Thought is reflected in the hope
Thought is opened not in the thought
and in the fact that became [prodolzhenem]

Two bodies consist of the thought
Thought - these are is two hot bodies
Thought is infinite as two bodies,
when they live in each other

I fell in love with not thought, but the body
since body - cluster of the thought
it does not think about the tele-
since it consists of the thought

Without the body the thought is more foolish than the body
But body - this is only body
it is disturbed from the thought,
that is impossible the thought without the body

The thought is always solid without the body
But it is always incorporeal in the tele- thought
They are met with each other
living together as two bodies

Beyond the limits of the thought
the body
in no way it can fly away
but in the limits of the body
the thought
they fly away into infinity

The body of thought is voluptuous
Invariably the body of the body
Thought is always more passionate than the body
even if body passionately

Body thinks
Thought teles-dream
Body flies away into the body
Thought anticipates the body
and more rapid than the thought flies

you will sometimes be me
or you long ago was already me
you - the reflection of the thought
or thought - [prodolzhene] of the thought

Can, I already without the thought
Can, you already without the body
Can, you and I - two thoughts
but one native body

indeed we were once
by something general
and now I - the prisoner of the thought
but no longer the prisoner of the body

Thought cannot be more foolish
Body can be more cleverly
Mind is approached only the thought
Well and body loves the body

Beyond the limits of the body of the thought
beyond the limits of the thought of the body
body huddles up in the bliss of the thought
thought [nezhneet] in the bends of the body

Thought uttered to eat melancholy
In inexpressible the tele- pain

The thought is infinite to eat the way
from one heart to the next into the depth

Thought branched to eat the sleep
as apple on the tree of the sleep
where all which was -
where all which will be -

Thought exposed to eat the trembling
naked body in the silence
and body - this is the silence
the naked soul
in which the thought

I in this tele- Mr.
And god is one
And I am one

Can, you already without the body
Can, you and I - two thoughts
but one native body

indeed we were once
by something general
and now I - the prisoner of the thought
but no longer the prisoner of the body

Thought cannot be more foolish
Body can be more cleverly
Mind is approached only the thought
Well and body loves the body

Beyond the limits of the body of the thought
beyond the limits of the thought of the body
body huddles up in the bliss of the thought
thought [nezhneet] in the bends of the body

Thought uttered to eat melancholy
In inexpressible the tele- pain

The thought is infinite to eat the way
from one heart to the next into the depth

Thought branched to eat the sleep
as apple on the tree of the sleep
where all which was -
where all which will be -

Thought exposed to eat the trembling
naked body in the silence
and body - this is the silence
the naked soul
in which the thought

I in this tele- Mr.
And god is one
And I am one

© Copyright: Cedars -[Chelishchev], 2011
Evidence about the publication of №11105230142
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Марина Розанова.

Марина Розанова   24.11.2008 17:07     Заявить о нарушении
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