Перевод моих песен на англ. язык Виолетта Фейиса

On the edge you are standing,
Standing still not to show your pain
And to see the sky
Gleaming with a sign.

Memories of beginnings,
Chronicle with a single hope,
Warming for your heart.
Wait to see a sign.

       It’s the sign that has kept me going.
       That’s a star far brighter than the day.
       This is my sign!!!

That’s the star you will follow
All the way to the townlet.
There you’ll find life with meaning,
That’s a hopeful sign.

Prophecy came to life,
Jesus came to this world,
In disgrace crucified,
Took the blame himself.

COME, FRIEND! (Где ты?)

Down came some trickles of blood
God was dying for those
Who were ready to follow the path
That will lead to heavenly peace.

Jesus suffered for us,
We were part of the crowd,
Unaware of his great sacrifice
Which was buying redemption for us.

       Come, friend! Seeking a shelter
       That’s a place where there is no night,
       Place where there is no slight,
       Place where there is no fight,
       Place with the rule of light.

This is the thing of the past,
But he overcame bonds of time,
He who suffered and died on the cross
And was raised then on the third day

You may not get it all right,
The puzzle is one to be solved.
You should search for it day and night,
Never turning and making no halt.

PICTURES IN THE SAND (Рисунок на песке)

You bend to scribble in the sand
Your eyes are deep and full of thought
And those who face a mournful end
Bring forward deadly sinful rot
It should be targeted and ruined
They try to corner you, but lo,
You start to speak, You start to speak

If you are sinless, good, and righteous
If you are pure, clean and blameless
Then take a stone and kill the woman
And thus the bitter root is scuttled.

And then He dropped His eyes again
To draw His pictures in the sand,
While all the Phariseic clan
Stood still and writhed and felt condemned,
Then turned around and went away
God’s Son will raise an iron stick
And then You speak, and then You speak
“No one condemns you, dear my!
And I won’t judge you like the others
Go forth and sin not till you die
Now I forgive you, woman, rather”.

So many thousand years have passed,
But we so need your good advice
For us to live full life and prosper.


Some live life, others make a living.
Some love to sing, other wail while singing.
Some give to others, others just take it.
Some hurry up, but they won’t never make it.

||: But I’m following you / 3р.
I try to do Your will, :|| 2р.
my Lord…

Some try to see, others look not seeing.
Ice-cold hearts, the soul is wildly howling.
Valley of stones a deathly abyss
A voice is calling: “Come down, join me, please!”

Life is good and it’s a gift of humans
But it’s hard to live when God is out
Someone will want a skart time-out
Yet he’s a loser, no reason to be proud.

LEAD ME (Покажи мне...)

Lead me to the shrine
Lead me to the light
Lead me to the place
Where there is no night.

All is full of flowers,
Where is hearts are pure
No one’s gonna stop you
Saying you can’t go there.

My Lord, my King, You light my way.
My Lord, oh hear my song today!
I know I will forever be with You.

You gave me once a precious gift,
Your Son Who died I now uplift –
I know, my Lord, I will belong to You.

Ref.: You saved me for eternity.
You’re my God Who is leading me.
Heaven calls me to come home.

I can see a city gate,
People walking, it looks great.
Heaven, soon I will end my roam.

That day will come and I will see
That You are here and lifting me,
I know all days I will be serving You.
