Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке на английском

An oldman and his greedy wife
Enjoyed a quiet peaceful life,
They had a sea in neighbourhood
And fish was their only food.
The man went fishing with the net, –
It was the only thing he had.
And all day long he had to sit
To catch a little perch to eat.

One day the gloomy wind was wet.
He took again his old green net,
And all at once he caught a fish,
That offered him to make a wish.
The oldman said, it would be nice
To listen to his wife’s advice.
The fish agreed to wait until
He would be ready for the deal.

His wife was very, very glad.
And these are words the woman said:

“So, oldman, listen to my speech:
First, tell your golden water witch,
That if she knows what I mean,
I need a new washing machine,
I want a house, big and green,
Besides, I want to be a queen,
That rules, like golden fish in water,
And put the spells like Harry Potter!”

So, full of thoughts, the fisherman
Went to the sea to fish again:

“You know, my wife.., she must be mad:
So many things she wants to get!
And I don’t know, what can I wish.
Please, help me, little golden fish!”

“Don’t worry, oldman, and go home.
And everything will be puchkom.
Enjoy a quiet peaceful life:
I’ll make for you another wife!”

(Написал, когда учился в школе)


Эжен Духовиков   16.12.2022 12:16     Заявить о нарушении
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