The Cross on Bosom
Aren’t sold – the Faith and our Thoughts!
Without them - the Way isn’t Clear…
Life’s Measure - Not to Understand…
Aren’t Sold – the Conscience and the Honour
And it’s Impossible Them to Sell…
If You have Them - Means They are Here…
If They are Absent - What Return?
The Honour and the Person are Inseparable…
And Always It Exist With the Conscience…
If Both of Them are Here - that’s tangible…
If NOT – the person Hadn’t Them At All…
When it is Thought that Someone Sold His Conscience -
Believe, that He had Never have this Notion…
He didn’t Know Shame in Adolescence –
He Always was Without Such Emotions…
Свидетельство о публикации №108111900130
Best regards,
Валерий Шувалов 19.11.2008 23:24 Заявить о нарушении
Best regards, Gavriil
Гавриил Иваниченко 20.11.2008 00:19 Заявить о нарушении