What are we doing?
There are so many wonders in the world:
Computers, planes, space travels, fax machines.
They all are greatest treasures that we hold;
From them a modern lifestyle just begins.
In ancient times some wonders could be seen;
The list contained the buildings, statues, tomb.
They were destroyed. What trouble did that mean?
We could be threatened by the human’s boom.
AII people have a right to life at birth;
They realize it would be very late.
Nuclear bombs are menace to the Earth;
None has a wish to share such a fate.
We have a will to fight, to us it should be clear
The greatest miracle is that we are still here.
Moscow 2005
Свидетельство о публикации №108110804497
С Уважением. Юрий.
Юрий Евдокимов 2 10.11.2008 19:29 Заявить о нарушении
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